Penis Transplantation
The first successful penis transplant in the USA has been performed by doctors at Massachusetts General hospital in Boston. The first penis transplant was performed
The first successful penis transplant in the USA has been performed by doctors at Massachusetts General hospital in Boston. The first penis transplant was performed
It never ceases to amaze me the number of online ads for penis enlargement pills, penis oil and penis creams. They must be selling like,
Not a thought that any guy wants to contemplate and fortunately is very rare at less than 1 in 100,000. Penile cancer, usually occurs on
We know that everyone wants their injectable phalloplasty (penis enlargement) to be permanent. Free fat transfer (from liposuction) was promising, however there is a very
The human body is designed to protect itself by rejecting foreign bodies, sometimes immediately, sometimes many years down the track. If it is foreign, the
At the moment, we offer CALIBRE across Australia, with our clinic located in Perth. So far, I have personally trained three other highly experienced male
Disclaimer – Every patient is unique and results may vary. Surgery and all health regulated services carry risks which need to be discussed with your doctor to ensure you are fully informed and realistic outcomes have been explained. We recommend seeking a second opinion for all medical procedures