Penis Extension Treatment Is Easily Accessible For You!
Looking your best is important. While once taking care of your appearance may have been the preserve of the female of the species, now it’s equally important for men. This includes being up to date with fashion and taking pride in the clothes we wear, taking care of what we eat, and hitting the gym to keep our bodies healthy and in shape. Aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgery and procedures are now completely acceptable, just as there are whole ranges of beauty treatments and skin care products especially designed for men. So when men are taking care of every aspect of their appearance, it’s a completely natural step for men to also consider a penis extension. After all, with research showing that up to 60% of men have concerns regarding the size or shape of their penis, taking steps to address this is a very valid thing to do.
As with most forms of cosmetic procedures, there have been massive improvements and developments both in terms of results and methods of delivery in recent years. What were once painful and invasive procedures have become far less invasive and can now cause the patient only mild discomfort – if any at all. CALIBRE offers you a treatment that’s non-surgical, non-invasive, long lasting and reversible. Because the procedure is non surgical, it takes away the risk that’s associated with highly invasive surgical options. CALIBRE offers a significant step forward in penis extension options for men: The risks are greatly reduced, and as well as being long lasting and reversible, you also won’t loose any time with recovery – you can leave your treatment session and continue with your day, making it the perfect option for today’s busy man.
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CALIBRE was developed by Dr Jayson Oates FRAC. With over 20 years’ experience in the field of aesthetic surgery and treatments Dr Oates is a peer respected pioneer in his field. Whilst performing other treatments on patients, some started to enquire about penis enlargement, also known as phalloplasty. Dr Oates’ knowledge of surgical procedures left him with a concern that they weren’t suitable for everyone because of the highly invasive nature of the surgery, the long post surgery down time that was required for recovery, and the risk of permanent complications. Dr Oates had been using dermal fillers for procedures for a number of years and was familiar with how they could be used to increase the size of soft tissues on areas of the body such as the face ad hands. Further research showed that in Korea, dermal fillers were being used for penis enlargement with very pleasing results. Two years of further research and trials were involved as Dr Oates developed the CALIBRE procedure using dermal fillers before offering it to the public. Having refined the procedure, Dr Oates now oversees a team of CALIBRE Clinic Certified Doctors. This ensures that your CALIBRE doctor is fully trained and knowledgeable and has access to a network of support, ensuring the best possible care and treatment for you.
Dr Oates, FRACS Medical Director of CALIBRE CLINICS brings 20 years of experience in cosmetic and aesthetic surgery and produces and developed the pioneering CALIBRE technique for penis enlargement. Dr Oates experience is shared amongst the CALIBRE team and he supervises all CALIBRE Certified Doctors.
CALIBRE has proven results. You’ll notice the effects of the treatment immediately with significant growth in penis size. We’ve helped hundreds of men feel better about themselves. Contact us today and see and feel the benefits for yourself.
CALIBRE is non invasive – it’s not a surgical procedure. This means that you can arrive for your treatment and and hour later be back in your car carrying on with your day. There’s no need to take time out for recovery making it the perfect treatment for men in today’s busy modern world.
When it comes to discussing concerns regarding penis size or shape, it’s quite natural that men feel a little embarrassed – it’s a very personal area of the body and there’s a lot of bravado and lad talk around that can make it more difficult to openly discuss concerns. But there’s no need to feel embarrassed or worried, you’re definitely not the only one that feels that way! Simply put, there just isn’t a stereotypical man who comes to our CALIBRE Clinic. We’ve got patients young and old, from all walks of life with all different sizes of penis. Our highly trained and experienced doctors will discuss everything with you and answer all of your questions at an initial consultation. Are you looking to increase the size of your penis? Or do you want to make aesthetic corrections after previous surgery? Maybe you’re looking to increase intimacy with a sexual partner, and gain in confidence from feeling more secure about your body? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then CALIBRE could be the answer for you.
See The Results In The Video Below
CALIBRE involves the injection of dermal filler, in a very similar manner to which they have been used in facial aesthetic procedures over the last 30 years or so. It’s a non invasive cosmetic medical procedure that give immediate results and doesn’t require any down time on the part of the patient. A CALIBRE treatment will lead to an increase in the circumference of the penis when it’s erect and flaccid. Larger volumes of filler, due to the weight, also lead to an increase in the length of the penis when it’s flaccid. How much growth can you expect? Of course every patient is different and so results will be different for everybody; it’s important to be realistic about what’s achievable. Generally speaking, however, 15mg of treatment will lead to an extra 1inch in penis circumference when flaccid which equates to about 0.5 – 0.7 inches when erect. As well as being applied to the penis shaft, CALIBRE fillers may also be applied to the penis head or glans. This may be recommended by your doctor to maintain pleasing aesthetics after enlarging the shaft. The treatment involves the injection of dermal fillers just under the skin and the results can be seen straight away. The fillers remain malleable for up to two weeks after injection, during which time any irregularities may be smoothed out. After this the fillers are absorbed and gradually broken down over a period of 1.5 to 2 years or longer. Depending on the individual, treatment will be completed in between one and three sessions. The great news is that our patients don’t report any loss in sensation during sexual activity or reduction in the strength of their erections. CALIBRE procedures treatments should only be carried out by a certified CALIBRE Doctor. That way you know that they’ve had the correct training to safely and correctly carry out your procedure.
You’ll find a CALIBRE Clinic located in Perth, and our clinic is easily accessible by public transport, with convenient car parking available. As long as you’re at least 18 years of age and not currently suffering from any significant medical conditions, CALIBRE could be the answer you’ve been looking for. Contact us today and find out how we can help you. Providing services across Australia, with our clinic located in Perth.
Contact CALIBRE Clinic today to arrange your initial consultation, we’d love to help you!