Where Can I Have The CALIBRE Procedure?

Where Can I Have The CALIBRE Procedure?

Where Can I Have The CALIBRE Procedure?

At the moment, we offer CALIBRE across Australia, with our clinic located in Perth. So far, I have personally trained three other highly experienced male cosmetic doctors to perform CALIBRE, so we have a formidable team in Australia. I am planning to train more doctors across the country, with the aim of offering the procedure nationwide by the end of 2017. Soon, Dr Danh from Perth will be available for CALIBRE in additional locations.

We’ve also had a number of patients fly in from aboard to be treated in Australia, which is fine but not practical for everyone (note – we like you to stay in Sydney or Perth for approx 1 week so we can monitor and review your results). If interested in flying-in for the procedure, please contact enquiries@calcibreclinic.com.au for more details.

I receive lots of questions and requests from men outside Australia asking if and when I will offer the CALIBRE procedure closer to them.  Whilst this will take some time, we are investigating options to provide CALIBRE Clinics in other countries. Initially, this will be determined by where our doctors can obtain medical practice licenses and how easily we can can travel to/from these countries, possibly South East Asia, Dubai and/or South Africa.

Because the CALIBRE injection technique is unique and has taken so long to develop, we hope to avoid other physicians exploiting the brand and offering it poorly elsewhere. Not only is technique critical, but also the type of dermal fillers that are used.  It is essential to utilise the highest quality and correct texture of dermal fillers, like we have in Australia. Be very, very careful about the injectable product used for penile augmentation.

To ensure the genuine CALIBRE procedure can be offered around the globe in future, we are planning to establish an official and accredited CALIBRE training course by 2018, which shall be delivered through our Registered Training Organisation to doctors around the World.  This will ensure that every doctor who offers “CALIBRE” has been thoroughly trained in the anatomy, the products, the injection technique, correct pre-and-post treatment protocols and the alternatives.

We shall publish details for all doctors that have successfully completed this training.  If a doctor is not on our list, they are not Certified CALIBRE Doctors.